Monday, May 23, 2011

Starlight & Time: Solving the puzzle of distant starlight in a young universe.

I believe in the absolute authority of the Bible because it is God's word. I also believe in true science using the scientific method ("the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses," http://www.merriam-webster. com/dictionary/scientific%20method). By this definition, not everything that is called science is really science. I do not claim that we can prove anything for certain about the origin of the universe by using science because we cannot observe it happening, and none of us were there when it happened. However, I believe that God inspired men to write down his word, and he was there!

The main point I am trying to make is that the biblical account of creation is true, and because it is true, what we discover today using the scientific method will not contradict it. The Bible says God created the universe in six days. With Adam being the first man, and he was created on the sixth day, the Earth has been figured to be about 6,000 years old; give or take a few thousand, but nowhere near the billions of years that many "scientists" claim. From what is discovered about the Earth today, I have no problem believing that the Earth is that young. When we consider the size of the Universe, however, and how far away the stars are, I had a hard time understanding this: if the stars were created on the fourth day, why are we able to see them? I still believed the Bible, but I couldn't explain this very well.

Starlight & Time: Solving the puzzle of distant starlight in a young universe by Dr. D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. really helped me to understand. I would definitely recommend reading this, because it made a lot of sense to me, but I can't promise it will make sense to you. Remember, this is a physicist who believes that the creation account in the Bible makes more sense than the evolution taught in public schools. The basic truth is that time is relative to gravity and distance. Dr. Humphreys quotes Stephen Hawking and explains Einstein's theory of relativity to make this point. For this reason, something that takes 6,000 years on our planet could be equivalent to billions of years in distant space! (p. 37)

(photo from